The time has come to close

Ben: What the fuck! It's closing :( noooooo

I have come to the decision to close this blog, Dr TV Down!

If you share our links/videos, please credit:



30 April 2008 at 22:09

Good bye Doctor TV :(


30 April 2008 at 22:16

As a regular visitor and downloader, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for all your hard work.

And I have a suggestion to make. Most of us TV down-loaders frequent many different sites in the search for Rapidshare or other links. Every couple of weeks, one or more of my 'regular' sites gets shut down.

So how about we all build a list of link sites, right here in the comments section, to help us through those lean, shut-them-down days? Chances are that half of the sites I frequent are unknown to half of the people here, and vice-versa.

Rapid Television - great for entire seasons, even years old.

TV Mafia - as above, but you need to scroll down to find the side bar lists.

Store CM - hard to navigate, and not just TV, but there's plenty of shit here.

Keep it going people...


2 May 2008 at 10:55

Hi! Just wanted to say that I'm really thankful for all the work you've done. This blog has been very useful, especially for people like me who don't live in the US. Besides, I totally understand your decision to shut it down.

And thank's a lot for all the links! anonymous had a great idea by the way.

Best regards. (and sorry for my approximative english^^)


2 May 2008 at 21:05

Thank you so much for what you've done for us. Good luck with the future !


3 May 2008 at 00:46

Dude. That's really fudging sad. It's great to see there are still other alternatives out there, but Doctor TV Down has always been my favourite.

This is a giant kick in the nuts.